India Solar, Wind, Biomass, Biofuels – EAI

Aditya Birla Group Corporate Technical and Energy Services: Corporate seminar on 'Green Energy'

Latest News for Energy Efficiency, Solar, Wind, Biomass Power, Biofuels, Waste to Energy

The knowledge integration event was organized by Aditya Birla Group CTEC to impart updated knowledge to technical professionals across the group and to orient them towards adopting Green Energy technologies effectively.
The programme was attended by senior engineers from over forty companies belonging to the group.
Mr.Narasimhan Santhanam, director of Energy Alternatives India was invited to speak on the occasion about the techno-economic feasibility of Renewable Energy projects in India. His presentation on the occasion focused on four important points for the executives of Aditya Birla group, viz.

  • What are the real benefits for the group from renewables?
  • Which renewable sources are appropriate for the group’s business?
  • How much do renewables really cost?
  • How can they really start off on renewables?

The concept of green energy and future of renewables in India was well received and appreciated by the gathering and it was an equally pleasant opportunity for Narasimhan to interact with top executives from diverse industries and understand their perspectives on the future of green technologies in India.
Have a look at the presentation here: