New Energy Nexus, Climate Collective to build clean energy startup ecosystem in South Asia
Showcased at EAI INCLINE –
It’s always good to see efforts to build a comprehensive
cleantech ecosystem in India, and here’s one more.
The goal for this partnership is to connect the Indian
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
View full playlistcleanenergy entrepreneurship scene, finance, innovation scene with capital formations outside India, with other big ideas,
incubators, accelerators, programmes to support Indian
entrepreneurs and also to get some of those companies from
SouthEastAsia, China, United States into the Indian market place.
That might look like a lot of goals, but look closely and you can see a common thread – “connecting”. While one company may not be able to do justice to all of seed. incubate, accelerate, finance, if they use connecting these startups as the key anchor around which they build enormous value, why not! Why not indeed.
EAI INCLINE wishes New Energy Nexus Partners and Climate Collective all the best!
New Energy Nexus | Climate Collective – Dan Kennedy | Pratap Raju
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