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First Pilot Demand Response Program in India: Development, Execution and Way Forward - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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First Pilot Demand Response Program in India: Development, Execution and Way Forward

Mumbai, financial capital of India has a peak demand of more than 3300 MW. Tata Power Company is one of the largest utility operating in Mumbai, providing power to many residential, commercial and industrial consumers. To provide uninterrupted supply to consumers, Tata Power has to manage power purchase as per changing demand on real time. On several occasions, cost of power to Tata Power becomes very high for a short duration; however they have to supply power at the same predetermined Tariff. This can occur in case of Transmission constrains, Generator failure, elections in states, sudden heat waves, etc. This is a common problem for all DISCOMS in India.


For 1st time in India as part of their Demand side management initiative, 2 years ago, Tata Power rolled out Demand Side Response Program. Customized Energy Solutions (CES) was selected as an aggregator and service provider by Tata Power for this Voluntary Pilot Demand Response Program. Customized was selected in a competitive bidding process, on its technical strength and wide experience in operating these programs.

CES assisted Tata Power in designing the program and obtaining approval from state regulators (MERC). As an aggregator CES along with Tata Power approach customers to explain concept and understand the potential. CES helps consumer to decide on load curtailment strategy, analyze performance and pay customer based on performance on behalf of Tata Power.  The load curtailment measures include lowering air conditioning load, using thermal storage, shifting of process load and so on. This helps Utility to improve reliability by having power during peak demand and helps customer earn revenue by reduction in energy bills. This also helps emission reduction by lowering generation requirement.

More than 18 MW DR potential is enrolled and many customers are in process of joining the program. Continuous and close communication with customers and discussions on various load curtailment possibilities has helped improve the response to program.

Apart from appreciation at various forums, this program also received “Innovative Energy Service Award – 2012” by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) at national level in September 2012.

With a continuation of contract, CES is also working on various challenges faced during program implementation and taking program to next level with Tata Power support.

 Power shortage and Peak demand issues are common for almost all DISCOMS in the country. Based on experience from this program, CES also intends to help utilities in other states for development of demand response programs and exploring ways to improve reliability and reduce costs.

Customized Energy Solutions (CES) through its proprietary solutionsprovides customers with tools and market insights needed to maximize value from demand response markets in the US and India. Customized Energy India also helps clients through consulting in the domain of Emerging Technologies such as energy storage, Financial & Regulatory advisory services for energy markets and Power trading services on energy exchanges. (www.ces-ltd.com )

 For more information, Contact

Debi Prasad Dash (Mob-09699719818, ddash@ces-ltd.com )

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