One of the most comprehensive listings of innovations in batteries listed in this report. The following are the companies for which details are provided:
1) Seeo
2) Pellion
3) Liquid Metal Battery
4) Sakti3
5) Planar Energy Devices
6) Aquion Energy
7) QuantumScape
8 ) ActaCel
9) Boston-Power
10) Atieva
11) EnerVault
12) Envia
13) Better Place
14) Coda Automotive
15) Amprius
16) AES
17) Next-Gen Sodium Grid Battery
18) Contour Energy Systems
19) PolyPlus
20) Quallion
21) Quantance
22) Tesla Motors
23) 24M
24) Leyden Energy
25) A123 Systems
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