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One day program on "Energy Efficient Drives, Driven and the Controls - An Integrated approach to Energy saving", March 8, Chennai - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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One day program on “Energy Efficient Drives, Driven and the Controls – An Integrated approach to Energy saving”, March 8, Chennai



The Tamilnadu Chapter of Society of Energy Engineers and Managers [SEEM] and Petroleum Conservation Research Association [PCRA] are jointly organizing an one day program on “Energy Efficient Drives- An Integrated approach to Energy saving” on 8th March 2014 at Chennai.

Who Should Attend?

When & Where?

  • Energy Managers and Auditors
  • Factory Operators
  • Maintenance and Energy Engineers and Managers
  • Consultants and Application Engineers and Managers
  • Policy Makers
  • Planners and Engineers of all Disciplines

Date: 8 March, 2014; Time: 9.30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Venue: Institution of Engineers (I) Auditorium
Swami Sivanatha Salai,
Chennai 600 005

About the Program

Energy Conservation, in reality, deals with the 3 areas of

  • Avoiding wastes
  • Using Energy Efficiently and
  • Use of Renewable Sources of Energy

Efficient use of Energy requires major attention, as we are still one of the countries with high levels of Energy Consumption per Unit Production of GDP compared to the Global averages.

Of the 3 End use Forms of Energy, namely, HEAT, FUEL and ELECTRICITY, Electricity comprises of almost 60% of the Total Energy usage. Among the Major uses of Electrical Energy, use of Energy through Motors conversion to Mechanical Energy- forms almost 70 to 80% of the total use. Though it is normally assumed as Motors consuming most of the Energy, the FACT is that the Motor Driven Systems comprising of the Motors, the Driven Equipments and the Controls, together decide on the total consumption of Energy. It is found that with the considerable Developments in the areas of Efficiencies of Motors and all kinds of Driven Equipments and the advancements and Applications and cost effectiveness of Controls like Variable Frequency, Variable Voltage and the combinations, provide ample scope for considerable Energy Savings through INTEGRATED APPROACH, addressing all the three areas keeping in mind the actual Process requirements. This Workshop aims to deal with the latest Advancements in these areas and the vast potentials of Energy Saving available.


Fees Rs 1,000 (Rupees one thousand only) per Participant. This includes Workshop materials, Tea, Lunch & Snacks

Mode of Payment

Cash/DD/Cheque favouring Society of Energy Engineers and Managers, payable at Thiruvananthapuram

Online Payment favoring SB Account No:

30732034489 State Bank of India, Kanammoola Branch, IFSC Code SBIN0008293

Online Payment favoring SB Account No:

Last date for Registration : 1 March, 2014

Limited Seats (First-come-first-served basis)

Program Agenda:

09.30 a.m.


10.00 a.m.


10.05 a.m.

Welcome Address by SEEM, TN Chapter

10.15 a.m.

Inaugural Address by
Mr. A.JANKIRAM, Addl.Director, PCRA

10.30 a.m.

Keynote Address by
Director & Head, National Productivity Council

11.00 a.m.

Tea Break

Technical Session 1

11.20 a.m.

Special Address by PCRA On Energy Conservation

11.40 a.m.

Address on Energy Efficiency as Fifth Fuel and
the Importance of Motor Driven Systems

Technical Session 2

12.00 p.m.

Presentation on Energy Efficient Motors

12.30 p.m.

Presentation on Energy Efficiency and Compressors

01.00 p.m.


Technical Session 3

02.00 p.m.

Presentation on Variable Speed Drives and Energy Saving

02.30 p.m

Energy Efficient Pumping Systems

03.00 p.m.

Presentation on Energy Efficient Fans and Blowers

03.30 p.m.

Tea Break

03.45 p.m.

Panel Discussions with experts from the different areas
on – “Energy Efficient Drives, Driven and the Controls –
An Integrated Approach to Energy Saving

and Q & A Session

05.00 p.m.

Vote of Thanks by SEEM, TN Chapter


Mr. Ramrajeev, AMSET Energy [SEEM TN Chapter],
Chennai 044 2829 5558 ; Cell: 97102 70918
Email: info@amsetenergy.in

About SEEM

SEEM – The Society of Energy Engineers and Managers is the national professional body of certified energy managers and auditors in India.

SEEM is a non-governmental / not-for-profit organization registered under the Charitable Societies Act, created to complement the efforts of Governmental /Non governmental agencies in energy conservation/energy efficiency improvement activities. Its basic objective is to provide energy conservation and knowledge-based energy services to all sectors of the economy through its members.

SEEM aims to build up a network among business, industries, utilities, academia and government for knowledge sharing, capacity building and leadership development.

About PCRA

Petroleum Conservation Research Association is a government organization under Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas . PCRA was established in 1978 by MOP&NG for conservation of petroleum products in India. PCRA undertakes a large number of Activities in different sectors(Transport, Industrial, Domestic, Agriculture and commercial.) for conservation of petroleum products and enhancing energy efficiency.

PCRA has conducted about 26000 Energy Audits in Small/Medium and large scale industries for Energy saving in industries and covered various types of industries including Steel, textile, Dairy, petroleum, Engineering, process, chemical, Hand tool, pharmaceutical, food processing, paper industries and commercial buildings.


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