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Expert Members - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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Provided is the current list of EAI Cleantech Volunteer Experts, who will assist the EAI Cleantech Ambassadors. Needless to say, this list will grow.  Should you be interested in joining this list, get to know more from EAI Volunteer Expert



Mohali  (Near Chandigarh)


Area of expertise :

  • Solar PV –  Module Design, Manufacturing & Quality Control ,  PV Application Development,  Operation and maintenance of small PV System.
  • Education and Training related to Marketing, Product & Technology Promotion, Technical Servicing in the areas related to Rural Masses – Agricultural Cultivation Practices, Tractor and Tillage Equipment, Organic and Zero Tillage Farming, Sprinkler & Drip Irrigation, and Floriculture.

Brief Profile:

I have a Mechanical Engineering background with rich ground level experience of 25-30 years with renowned companies of the country like Larsen& Toubro Limited, EicherGoodearth Limited, Punjab Tractors Limited ect. My domain had been marketing, and training – primarily in the field of agricultural tractors. My job took me to remote hinterlands of India and provided me an opportunity to understand rural challenges, compulsions and latent opportunities.

I am based at Mohali (near Chandigarh). I am associated with a PV module manufacturing unit in HP for last five years. As a project head, I was responsible for establishing a manufacturing unit – from blue print to construction of building –to- erectionand commissioning of plant & equipment –to- trial production –to- commercial production. A small training stint with equipment manufacturer at USA was part of the project execution plan. All the major milestones were achieved within targets of time and cost.





Area of expertise :

manufacturing solar cooker dish type, solar funnel cooker, solar trough, & solar day lighting system.

Brief Profile:

I am already working for peda ( punjab energy develpoment agency) on call basis  for there various solar awarness activity. solar is not just a business to me its passion for me.

After successful venture in 1996 in  central air conditioning business a new organization was formed in 2006 with the name of Manik Solar Innovation . We  are putting our best efforts to bring sustainable living  with  the help of new innovative ideas and products .

We were the first to introduce following in our region:  Etc base solar water heating system both normal and pressurized, solar parabolic cooker, solar Celestino cooker  (funnel type), inverter air conditioning  in both hot and cold variant, solar day lighting concept, solar trough






       Area of expertise : Energy Efficiency, Energy auditing, Solar PV


Brief Profile:

I am a retired Divisional Engineer ( Elect) from Eastern Power Distribution Co,Vizag . I am a certified Energy Auditor,Lead auditor for ISO 14001,and ISO 9001. I have a total experience of over 33 years in core  Electrical field and got trained in solar PV Technologies conducted by MNRE and KPCL at Bangalore. I am registered consultant for Energy Auditing  and Solar PV TECHNOLOGIES in NREDCAP of AP. External faculty member for PCRA,Naval Dock yard and Naval Armament depot Vizag. I am  a free lance solar project consultant. I would like to contribute  to wards development of clean Energy,Energy Efficiency and other related subjects.



Bhopal, M.P.



Area of expertise :

power  sector  projects, Energy audit, Renewable  energy  projects,  Energy  Efficiency  and  Energy  Audits

Brief Profile:

  • Worked for New and Renewable Energy Dept. as Deputy Secretary And Additional Commissioner.
  • Worked for Energy Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh as Deputy Secretary.
  • Worked for MP Power Utility as Assistant Engineer, Executive Engineer, Addl. Superintending Engineer over the period of 24 years.

Experience of carrying out an investigating study on reasons responsible for high technical and commercial losses in power sector. worked for implementing the system strengthening/improvements works like erection of boosters/capacitors at load centers, augmentation of conductor size, installation of new sub-stations and interconnection through ring-mains for reduction in losses, and achieving high reliability & quality of Power with revenue matters in distribution system.




        New Delhi


      Area of expertise :  Solar PV, Green Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Energy Audits



Brief Profile:

  • Faculty for training on solar PV and solar water heating system, Green Building-IGBC and GRIHA rating-Energy conservation and Building code and Hospital services in CIDC, CBIP, CPWD and many industries in private sector.
  • A competent professional with over 3 decades of rich experience in Building Services (HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Fighting, Electrical), MEP Coordination and Energy Audit.






   Area of expertise : Solar PV : Systems Design, Projects Execution, Recruitment & Training


Brief Profile:

In India as an independent consultant / contractor, we designed, installed and commissioned the country’s first grid connected rooftop P V Power Plant (5 KW Peak) for Engineering Staff College of India in the year 1987 and also installed several P V Systems for BHEL and CEL.  As a consultant for Engineering Staff Collage of India, conducted training programs in Solar P V Technology for Managers and Engineers.

 During my long career, I was actively involved in training and motivating the employees (Managers / Engineers / Technicians) and executed challenging projects in different countries.





Areas of expertise:

Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Green Buildings, Energy Audit for Telecom & Domestic.

 Brief Profile:

Telecom professional handling Operation & Maintenance of BTS sites. Currently working with ERICSSON INDIA PVT. LTD as “Quality & Operations Development Lead” for JK&HP State.  I have Masters Degree in Energy Management, Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering & Dual Qualified Engineers Qualification in Computer application.

Besides this I am holding Experience of more than 6 years handling Telecom & Power Equipments in Companies like NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS & HBL POWERSYSTEMS LTD on various Projects of Bharti Airtel , VODAFONE, and AIRCEL across Northern states of India. At present executing a Six Sigma Telecom Improvement Project under the Director of my Organization.






 Areas of expertise:

   Solar LED Street lights, water heater, CSP, Domestic home solar LED lights.

Brief Profile:

Electronics Engineer having vast 21 year experience in different areas such as Plant set up, HT / LT Electrical sub station up to 33 KVA, Installation and commissioning, Production, Utility and services, Operation and maintenance and latest Solar technologist





Areas of expertise:   Storage Technology, Especially Batteries ( Lead Acid & Lithium), Power Electronics & Motor Drive, Electric Mobility, Power Systems,  Semiconductors.

Brief Profile:   Advisor and Member of Silicon Sea Belt, an association of  Semiconductor companies from Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and India. Silicon Sea Belt Promotes Semiconductor Industry wide collaborations in
Semiconductor Business and Technology, among the member countries.

Mentored first time Entrepreneurs, Co-founded technology startups such as Simple Silicon Inc, San Jose, USA, Nano Silicon Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, Basecomm Pte Ltd, Singapore, Trilobyte Pte Ltd, Singapore, Avedis MicroSystems Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India and more. Co-founded Auxineon and FTD Group of Companies in Singapore. Involved in the development, manufacturing and Marketing of Emerging power saving lighting technologies such as LED lights & Induction lights.

Currently doing as Chief Technology officer at Ampere Vehicles Pvt Ltd,(www.ampvl.com) leading Electric Mobility
Products Development, focusing on developing & manufacturing of Electric Vehicles, and Components for Electric Vehicles/Electric Mobility Products in Coimbatore, India and Singapore.


  Sankalp ved

   City: Indore


   Areas of expertise: Wind, Solar, Biomss, REC, CDM, Carbon funding


Brief Profile:  

I am an Electrical Engineer and Certified Energy Manager accredited by BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) & he also did PG Diploma in Finance management. I am having with 9.5 years experience in Energy sector especially renewable energy

I am presently looking after Renewable Energy Business in Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd. which comprises of 100 MW of wind power & 10 MW of Solar power Projects.  In past he also worked in Tata Power Company Ltd. Suzlon Energy Ltd. and Secure Meters Ltd

 Major achievements are

  • Team member of India’s first registered CDM project Personally involved from “concept to commissioning” of 150 MW Wind & 15 MW Solar Power Projects
  • Prepared a detailed report on the Feasibility & Possibility of Establishing Wind Power Projects in central India
  • Headed GSM based system establishment for Remote meter reading in Eastern India & NDPL Delhi both the projects were for the first time in India
  • Have worked in synergy with the private and public utilities for product promotion, & tender specification preparation & presentations in various cities in India
  • Presented Paper in International Conference on Wind Energy on “Wind Energy – Global Scenario & Indian Prospective”

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