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Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Purchase - AP Transco RfS/Tender Document - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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Call it the second mover advantage.

A few weeks after the TN RfS for solar power purchase by TANGEDCO, APTRANSCO released its RfS for 1000 MWof solar power in AP.

My first impression is: AP has done a much better job than TN. Perhaps they learned from what was happening in TN, or perhaps they were anyway planning to be more meticulous. Whatever the reason, the result is a more comprehensive and convincing RfS. This is a huge document (281 pages), but worry not – a large part of it is just tables providing details of substation capacities.

You can download three documents (RfS, Clarifications Document and Govt Order notification) from here – http://www.aptransco.gov.in/webdata/RFS-BID-DT-08-01-13.zip  (Thanks to EAI member Pradeep for guiding me to the links, and also pointing out that the link location had changed!)

For those who wish to have a look at the answers to the list of queries, the clarifications doc has been uploaded here

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Quick highlights

Total MW to be purchased – 1000 MW

200 MW is the maximum capacity a single bidder can bid. This is a WHOPPING 10 TIMES the maximum that was said to be the max in the first bid doc. My colleague says the TANGEDCO’s recent brush with mortality must have chastened APTRANSCO!

PPA format provided in the document

Method of Submission – The bidder shall submit the RfS in the e-procurement platform.

Incentive in case of expedited commissioning (Hmmm…interesting)

Dates & Deadlines

  • Submission of response to RfS with relevant documents. Till 07/02/2013 at 3 pm
  • Opening of technical bid 08/02/2013 at 3 pm
  • Opening of financial bid After evaluation of technical bid.
  • Evaluation and Short-listing of Bidders, 15 days after opening of financial bids
  • Issue of letter of intent Within 7 days from shortlisting of Bidders
  • Communication of acceptance of LoI by successful bidder Within 10 days from the date of issue of LoI excluding the date of issue.
  • Signing of PPA Within 30 days from the date of issue of letter of intent.
  • Financial closure / Financing Arrangement for the project – Submission of financial closure documents 210 days from the date of signing of PPA.
  • Commissioning of the Project The plant has to be commissioned within 12 months from the date of signing of the PPA.

Well, well – All timelines have been revised

a. Financial closure is now 210 and not 60 days, as previously mentioned, from the time of the issue of the LoI.
b. The plant commissioning time is 12 months from signing of the PPA and not 6 months as originally stipulated. However, there incentives will be provided for early commissioning as indicated below:
i  Commissioning 9-10 months from PPA signing date: Rs 3 lakh/MW of commissioned capacity
ii 10-11 months: Rs 2 lakhs/MW
iii 11-12 months: Rs 1 lakh/MW
iv The notice for readiness of plant commissioning to be given at least one month before the COD.

No penalty for under-generation? – Since there is no provision for compensating developers in case of grid failure/unavailability, there is no penalty for under-generation.

Separate bids for different locations – Bidders will have to submit separate bids for different locations but only one bid/location. Bidder will have to pay Rs 2 lakhs/bid for processing. Further, bank guarantees have to be submitted separately with each bid.

L1 for each location – There will be an L1 for each location. If two bidders bid at L1, the higher capacity bidder gets the nod. If the bid capacities are same & total capacity available has been exceeded as well, pro-rata allocation to each bidder.

Benchmark price will be decided after the bids are opened. Uniform benchmark price for all locations.

A ceiling of 25% CUF shall be considered for PV modules. All units generated above that will be bought at Rs 3/unit for the entire 25 year period.

Penalties to be levied for the capacity not commissioned and not the total capacity.

BILLING AND PAYMENT – I like the detailed work they had put in the Billing & Payment section (perhaps once again learning from the TN experience?)

5.1 For the Delivered Energy purchased, Solar Power Developer shall furnish a bill to the DISCOM calculated at the Tariff provided for in Article 2, in such form as may be mutually agreed between the DISCOM and the Solar Power Developer, for the billing month on or before the 5th working day following the Meter Reading Date.

5.2 The DISCOM shall be entitled to get a rebate of 1% of the total amount billed in any billing month for payments made before the Due Date of Payment. Any payment made beyond the Due Date of Payment, DISCOM shall pay interest at prevailing SBI bank rate and in case this rate is reduced, such reduced rate is applicable from the date of reduction.

5.3 The DISCOM shall pay the bill on monthly basis as per Clause 5.1, by opening a one month revolving Letter of Credit in favour of Solar Power Developer.

5.4 Letter of Credit: Not later than 30 days prior to the Scheduled COD of the Generating Unit, DISCOM shall cause to be in effect an irrevocable revolving Letter of Credit issued in favour of Solar Power Developer by a Scheduled Bank (the “Letter of Credit”). Each Letter of Credit shall

(a) on the date it is issued, have a term of one month;

(b) be payable upon the execution and presentation by an officer of Solar Power

Developer of a sight draft to the issuer of such Letter of Credit supported by a eter reading statement accepted and signed by both parties or a certification from Solar Power Developer that the DISCOM failed to sign the meter reading statements within five days of the Meter Reading Date or that a supplemental bill has been issued and remains unpaid until the Due Date of Payment;

(c) In the absence any dispute regarding the claim provide that Solar Power Developer shall have the right to draw upon such Letter of Credit notwithstanding any failure by the DISCOM to reimburse the issuer thereof for any draw made under; and

(d) not less than 7 days prior to the expiration of any Letter of Credit, the DISCOM shall provide a new or replacement Letter of Credit. Each monthly bill or supplemental bill shall be presented at the said Scheduled Bank for payment under the Letter of Credit and shall become payable there under. The opening charges for Letter of Credit and Letter of Credit negotiation  charges will be borne by the beneficiary Solar Power Developer.

(e) Letter of Credit should not be invoked for any disputed bill amount.

5.5 Direct Payment: Notwithstanding the fact that a Letter of Credit has been opened, in the event that through the actions of the DISCOM, Solar Power Developer is not able to make a draw upon the Letter of Credit for the full amount of any bill, Solar Power Developer shall have the right to require the DISCOM to make direct payment of any bill by cheque or otherwise on or before the Due Date of Payment by delivering to the DISCOM on or prior to the Due Date of Payment of such bill a notice requiring payment in the foregoing manner. Without prejudice to the right of Solar Power Developer to draw upon the Letter of Credit if payment is not received in full, the DISCOM shall have the right to make direct payment by cheque or otherwise of any bill such that within 30 days after the date of its presentation to the designated officer of the DISCOM, Solar Power Developer shall receive payment in full for such bill. When either such direct payment is made, Solar Power Developer shall not present the same bill to the Scheduled Bank for payment against the Letter of Credit.

5.6 Billing disputes: The DISCOM shall pay the bills of Solar Power Developer promptly subject to the Clauses 5.1 and 5.2.

The DISCOM shall notify Solar Power Developer in respect of any disallowed amount on account of any dispute as to all or  any portion of the bill. Solar Power Developer shall immediately take up issue with all relevant information with DISCOM which shall be rectified by the DISCOM, if found satisfactory. Otherwise notify its (DISCOM’s) rejection of the disputed claim within reasonable time with reasons therefore. The dispute may also be decided by mutual agreement. If the resolution of any dispute requires the DISCOM to reimburse Solar Power Developer, the amount to be reimbursed shall bear interest at prevailing SBI bank rate (Prime Lending Rate) ”

PPA for 20 years?

“This Agreement is subject to para (5) of the Preamble and shall be effective upon its execution and delivery thereof between parties hereto and shall continue in force from the Commercial Operation Date (COD) and until the 20th anniversary that is for a period of twenty years from the Commercial Operation Date (COD) or any mutually agreed time
period from the date of Commercial Operation (COD) subject to the approval of APERC (“Term of the Agreement”).”

I thought the PPA would be for 25 years, that was what was indicated earlier on. The TN Effect?


SS Voltages and Max Capacities Allowed (compare this with the list of SS and total max capacity available, list provided below)

Interfacing/grid substation (interconnection point) — Voltage level — Maximum capacity

33/11 kV — 33 kV — 1-5 MW*

132/33 — kV 33 kV — 1-10 MW*

132/33 kV — 132 kV — 10-20 MW*

Substation capacities & max solar power that can be injected

(excellent, detailed work, I must say)

Data are presented in the following format

SS Voltage == Capacity breakup & total capacity (MW) == Amount of solar that can be injected (MW)


Location -1 132 KV SS Chilakapalem 1X31.5 + 1X50 = 81.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location -2 132 KV SS Palakonda 1X31.5 + 1X16 = 47.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location -3 132 KV SS Pydibheevaram 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 5MW Solar


Location -4 132 KV SS Vizianagaram 1X31.5 + 1X50 = 81.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location -5 132 KV SS Kothavalasa 1X16 + 1X31.5 = 47.50 MW; 5MW Solar


Location -6 132 KV SS Koruprolu 1X16 +1X31.5 = 47.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location -7 132 KV SS Kasimkota 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 5MW Solar

Location -8 132 KV SS Payakaraopeta 1X16 + 1X31.5 = 47.50 MW; 5MW Solar


Location -9 132 KV SS Peddapuram 2×31.5+1×1 5 = 78.00 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 10 132 KV SS Ramachandrapuram 2×31.5 = 63.00 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 11 132 KV SS Rajanagaram 1X16 + 1X31.5 = 47.50 MW; 5MW Solar


Location – 12 132 KV SS Kamavorapukota 1×31.5+1×20 = 51.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 13 132 KV SS Jangareddygudem 2×31.5 = 63.00 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 14 132 KV SS Jangareddygudem 2×31.5+1×50=113.00 MW; 5MW Solar


Location – 15 132 KV SS Nuzivedu 3×50 = 150.00 MW; 10MW Solar


Location – 16 132 KV SS Macherla 1X31.5 + 1X50 = 81.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 17 132 KV SS Piduguralla 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 18 132 KV SS Chilakaluripeta 1X50 + 1X31.5 = 81.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 19 132 KV SS Marripalem 1X31.5 + 1X16 = 47.50 MW; 5MW Solar


Location – 20 132 KV SS Cumbum 1X31.5 + 2X16 = 63.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 21 132 KV SS Kanigiri 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 22 132 KV SS Kandukuru 1X31.5 + 1X15 = 46.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 23 132 KV SS Peddadornala 2X16 = 32.00 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 24 132 KV SS Martur 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 5MW Solar


Location – 25 132 KV SS Kavali 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 26 132 KV SS Chendodu 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 27 132 KV SS Naidupet 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 5MW Solar


Location – 28 132 KV SS Palamaneur 1X31.5 + 1X50 = 81.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 29 132 KV SS Madanapally 1X50 + 1X31.5 = 81.50 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 30 132 KV SS Pakala 1X31.5 + 1X16 = 47.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 31 132 KV SS Shanthipuram 1X50 + 1X31.5 = 81.50 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 32 132 KV SS Nagiri 1X31.5 + 1X16 = 47.50 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 33 132 KV SS Kothapallimitta 1X50 + 1X31.5 = 81.50 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 34 132 KV SS Burakayalakota 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 35 132 KV SS Kuppam 2X31.5 = 63.00 MW; 10MW Solar


Location – 36 132 KV SS Badwel 2X16 = 32 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 37 132 KV SS Rayachoti 2X31.5 = 63 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 38 132 KV SS Vontimitta 2×16 = 32 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 39 132 KV SS Jammalamadugu 2X16 = 32 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 40 132 KV SS Sambepalli 2X16 = 32 MW; 5MW Solar


Location – 41 132 KV SS Kadri 1X50 + 1X31.5 = 81.5 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 42 132 KV SS Tadipatri 2 X50 = 100 MW; 5MW Solar


Location – 43 132 KV SS Allagadda 2X31.5 = 63 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 44 132 KV SS Adoni 2X31.5 = 63 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 45 132 KV SS Pathikonda 2X31.5 = 63 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 46 132 KV SS Gudur 2X16 = 32 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 47 132 KV SS Banaganapalli 2X16 = 32 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 48 132 KV SS Gandikota 1X50 = 50 MW; 5MW Solar


Location – 49 132 KV SS Nagarkurnool 1X31.5+1X50 = 81.5 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 50 132 KV SS Wanaparthy 2X50 = 100 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 51 132 KV SS Thimmapur 1X50+2X31 .5=113 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 52 132 KV SS Gadwal 2X50=100 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 53 132 KV SS Makthal 1X50+1X31 .5 = 81.5 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 54 132 KV SS Kodangal 2X31.5=63 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 55 132 KV SS Balanagar 1X50+2X31 .5=113 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 56 132 KV SS Achampet 2X31.5=63 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 57 132 KV SS Amangal 2X31.5 = 63 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 58 132 KV SS Kalwakurthy 2X31.5+1X50=113 MW; 10MW Solar

Location – 59 132 KV SS Midjil 2X16 = 32 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 60 132 KV SS Marikal 2X31.5=63 MW; 5MW Solar


Location – 61 132 KV SS Sadasivapet 1X50+1X31.5 81.5 15MW Solar

Location – 62 132 KV SS Gajwal 2X50=100 10MW Solar

Location – 63 132 KV SS Kandi 2X50=100 5MW Solar

Location – 64 132 KV SS Kowdipally 1X31.5+1X16=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 65 132 KV SS Manoharabad 1X50+1X31.5 = 81.5 15MW Solar

Location – 66 132 KV SS Zaheerabad 2X31.5 = 63 10MW Solar

Location – 67 132 KV SS Gummadiddala 1X50+1X31.5 = 81.5 5MW Solar

Location – 68 132 KV SS Narayanakhed 2X31.5 = 63 10MW Solar

Location – 69 132 KV SS Medak 2X31.5 63 10MW Solar

Location – 70 132 KV SS Tukkapur 1X31.5+1X50 81.5 10MW Solar

Location – 71 132 KV SS Chegunta 2X50 = 100 10MW Solar

Location – 72 132 KV SS Narsapur 2X31.5 63 10MW Solar

Location – 73 132 KV SS Habsipur 2X31.5 63 10MW Solar

Location – 74 132 KV SS Ramayapet 2X16=32 10MW Solar

Location – 75 132 KV SS Pedda Shankarampeta 1X16=16 10MW Solar

Location – 76 132 KV SS Minpur 2X16=32 10MW Solar


Location – 77 132 KV SS Medchal 1X31.5+2X50=131.5 5MW Solar

Location – 78 132 KV SS Dharmasagar(Chervella) 2X31.5==3 10MW Solar

Location – 79 132 KV SS Puttapahad 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 10MW Solar

Location – 80 132 KV SS Turkayamjal (Hayatnagar) 2×31.5=63 10MW Solar

Location – 81 132 KV SS Pargi 2×31.5=63 10MW Solar


Location – 82 132 KV SS Vikarabad Swt. Sn Swt. Sn 15MW Solar


Location – 83 132 KV SS Nalgonda 1×50+2×31.5=113 15MW Solar

Location – 84 132 KV SS Alair (Kolanupak) 2×50=100 15MW Solar

Location – 85 132 KV SS Wadapally 1×16+1×31.5=47.5 10MW Solar

Location – 86 132 KV SS K.Mallepally 2×50+1×31.5=131.5 5MW Solar

Location – 87 132 KV SS Suryapet 2×80=160 20MW Solar

Location – 88 132 KV SS Ramannapet 2×50=100 10MW Solar

Location – 89 132 KV SS Huzurnagar(Matampally) 2×31.5=63 15MW Solar

Location – 90 132 KV SS Shaligouraram 1×50+1×31.5=81.5 15MW Solar

Location – 91 132 KV SS Choutuppal 2×31.5=63 10MW Solar

Location – 92 132 KV SS Halia 1×16+1×31.5=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 93 132 KV SS Kodad 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 10MW Solar

Location – 94 132 KV SS Tungathurthy 2×31.5=63 5MW Solar

Location – 95 132 KV SS Madugulapalli 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 96 132 KV SS Mothukur 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 97 132 KV SS Marriguda 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 98 132 KV SS Kanagal 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 99 132 KV SS Guntipally 1×16=16 MW; 5MW Solar

Location – 100 132 KV SS Dirsincherla 2×16=32 5MW Solar


Location – 101 132 KV SS Aswaraopet 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 10MW Solar

Location – 102 132 KV SS Kusumanchi 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 10MW Solar

Location – 103 132 KV SS Penubaily 2×31.5=63 10MW Solar

Location – 104 132 KV SS Bhadrachalam 1×16+1×31.5=47.5 10MW Solar

Location – 105 132 KV SS Madhira 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 106 132 KV SS Gangaram 1×16+1×31.5=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 107 132 KV SS Yellandu 2×16=32 10MW Solar

Location – 108 132 KV SS Nekkonda 1×31.5+1×50=81.5 5MW Solar

Location – 109 132 KV SS Mustyal 1×31.5+1×50=81.5 10MW Solar

Location – 110 132 KV SS Chelpur 1×16+1×31.5=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 111 132 KV SS Waradannapet 1×31.5+1×50=81.5 10MW Solar

Location – 112 132 KV SS Ayyagaripally 1×31.5+1×50=81.5 10MW Solar

Location – 113 132 KV SS Madikonda (Waddepalli) 2×31.5=63 10MW Solar

Location – 114 132 KV SS Ghanpur 1×16+1×31.5=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 115 132 KV SS Mulugu 3×16=48 10MW Solar

Location – 116 132 KV SS Dharmasagar 2×50+1×16=116 10MW Solar

Location – 117 132 KV SS Narsampet 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 118 132 KV SS Jangaon 2×16=32 10MW Solar

Location – 119 132 KV SS Chityala 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 120 132 KV SS Peddanagaram 2×16=32 5MW Solar


Location – 121 132 KV SS Korutla 1×50+1×31.5=81.5 10MW Solar

Location – 122 132 KV SS Sircilla 2×50=100 15MW Solar

Location – 123 132 KV SS Jagityal 1×50+1×31.5=81.5 10MW Solar

Location – 124 132 KV SS Husnabad 2×31.5=63 5MW Solar

Location – 125 132 KV SS Sultanabad (Suglampally) 2×31.5=63 5MW Solar

Location – 126 132 KV SS Huzurabad 1×16+1×31.5=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 127 132 KV SS Mallaram 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 128 132 KV SS Ellantakunta 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 10MW Solar

Location – 129 132 KV SS Dharmapuri 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 130 132 KV SS Pudur 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 131 132 KV SS Yellareddypeta 1×25+1×16=41 5MW Solar

Location – 132 132 KV SS Manakondur 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 133 132 KV SS Dharmaram 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 134 132 KV SS Shanigarm 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 135 132 KV SS Godur 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 136 132 KV SS Kataram 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 137 132 KV SS RTS ‘B’ Yellampalli 1×31.5+1×16 = 47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 138 132 KV SS Gangadhra (LIS) 1×50+1×25 = 75 5MW Solar

Location – 139 132 KV SS Yellampally 2×16 = 32 5MW Solar


Location – 140 132 KV SS Kamareddy 1×50+1×31.5 = 81.5 10MW Solar

Location – 132 KV SS Renjal 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 10MW Solar

Location – 142 132 KV SS Jakhora 1×50+1×31.5 = 81.5 15MW Solar

Location – 143 132 KV SS Nandipet 1×50+1×31.5 = 81.5 5MW Solar

Location – 144 132 KV SS Domakonda 2×31.5 63 5MW Solar

Location – 145 132 KV SS Armoor 1×31.5+1×16=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 146 132 KV SS Bichkonda 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 147 132 KV SS Lingapet 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 148 132 KV SS Morthad 1×31.5+1x 16=47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 149 132 KV SS Banswada 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 150 132 KV SS Dharmora (Gutta LI scheme) 2×16=32 5MW Solar

Location – 151 132 KV SS C.H.Kondur (Gutta LI scheme) 2×16 = 32 5MW Solar

Location – 152 132 KV SS Bikanoor 2×16 = 32 5MW Solar

Location – 153 132 KV SS Reddypet 2×16 = 32 5MW Solar


Location – 154 132 KV SS Adilabad 2×31.5 = 63 5MW Solar

Location – 155 132 KV SS Bellampally 1×15+1×16 = 31 5MW Solar

Location – 156 132 KV SS Mancherial 1×31.5+1×16 = 47.5 5MW Solar

Location – 157 132 KV SS Sirpurkagaznagar 2×16 = 32 5MW Solar

Location – 158 132 KV SS Bhainsa 2×31.5 = 63 5MW Solar

Location – 159 132 KV SS Luxettipeta 2×16 = 32 5MW Solar

Location – 160 132 KV SS Ichoda 2×16 = 32 5MW Solar

Location – 161 132 KV SS Chennur 2×16 = 32 5MW Solar


About Narasimhan Santhanam (Narsi)

Narsi, a Director at EAI, Co-founded one of India's first climate tech consulting firm in 2008.

Since then, he has assisted over 250 Indian and International firms, across many climate tech domain Solar, Bio-energy, Green hydrogen, E-Mobility, Green Chemicals.

Narsi works closely with senior and top management corporates and helps then devise strategy and go-to-market plans to benefit from the fast growing Indian Climate tech market.


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