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Request for Proposal Document For Setting up of Grid Connected Solar PV Projects coupled with Pisci-culture in Bihar - India Renewable Energy Consulting – Solar, Biomass, Wind, Cleantech
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A very interesting proposal – tying up solar PV and pisciculture

Excerpts from the RFP

“Despite abundant aquatic resources in terms of rivers, chaurs, floodplain wetlands, oxbow lakes or mauns, reservoirs, ponds and tanks, fish supply is short of demand in the State of Bihar. In order to enhance the fish production in the State, two of the resources i.e. Ponds and Mauns has been identified as the focus areas and various Central as well as State Sponsored schemes like development of inland fresh water aquaculture, maun/chaur development scheme etc are being implemented by the Animal & Fisheries Resources Department, Govt. of Bihar.

In this context, Govt. of Bihar has proposed to pioneer a movement towards adoption and promotion of establishment of Solar PV projects on the lands identified for the development of inland fresh water aquaculture including maun/ chaur/ ponds as a potential solution for the inclusive development of rural areas. Providing sustainable livelihood to the usually poor, backward and unorganized fisher communities through the development of Ponds/ Mauns in different districts and integrating it with the development of solar energy projects on such lands will not only reduce the burden on the fertile land for such projects, but shall also empower people at the grassroots level by sharing of benefits of the project between the project developer & the fisher community. There are inherent benefits from the coexistence of Solar PV projects with aquaculture as the project provides required shading from high temperature and helps to improve the productivity of fisheries and at the same time the required foot-print area for the solar power projects is made available to these projects.

Energy Dept., Govt. of Bihar has decided to develop upto 150 MW of Solar Photovoltaic based projects which are to be set-up on the maun/chaur/pond where pisciculture is being undertaken. Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited (BSPHCL), a company engaged in planning, promoting and developing the power sector in the state of Bihar, has been designated by Energy Department, Govt. of Bihar for undertaking the bid process management for selection of the private developers.

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The selected Solar Power developers shall enter into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited/South Bihar Power Distribution Company limited as intimated by BSPHCL. The term of PPA will be for a period of 25 years.

The Draft RFP has been uploaded here

To take the view of all the stakeholders and to discuss the draft RfP, a meeting has been scheduled on 14.02.2013 at 3:30 pm at Sinchai Bhawan, Patna in the presence of Energy Secretary, Govt. of Bihar.

Those interested can contact – Ankesh Desai, Manager
IL&FS Energy Development Company Limited
1st Floor, Corporate Office Towers,
Ambience Mall Complex, Ambience Island, NH- 8,
Gurgaon – 122 001, Haryana
Phone  : (+91)124- 471 6113
Fax       : (+91)124- 471 6120
Email   : ankesh.desai@ilfsindia.com

About Narasimhan Santhanam (Narsi)

Narsi, a Director at EAI, Co-founded one of India's first climate tech consulting firm in 2008.

Since then, he has assisted over 250 Indian and International firms, across many climate tech domain Solar, Bio-energy, Green hydrogen, E-Mobility, Green Chemicals.

Narsi works closely with senior and top management corporates and helps then devise strategy and go-to-market plans to benefit from the fast growing Indian Climate tech market.


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