Clixoo ( ) is an initiative started by EAI, focused on providing cleantech education and awareness for children. It was started by the realization that children have a far higher chance – than we adults – to build a sustainable planet, as they are all starting to learn with little to unlearn!
Based on interactions we had with children and parents, at Clixoo we are convinced that children will be able to imbibe many principles and fundamentals of sustainability and clean technology much better if they contribute something on their own.
With this in mind, we are starting off the contributions section at Clixoo.
What can your child contribute?
We are keen to have children contribute green things to Clixoo in the form of stories, pictures, sketches, thoughts, poems, quiz and anything else they feel like! Contributions could also include descriptions of projects or experiments, discoveries and inventions…
All contributions will be displayed on the Clixoo web site, and credits and recognition. As the site grows, so will the recognition of your child’s efforts. Efforts for one of the most important causes!
If your child is contributing to Clixoo, please include your child’s name, city and grade, along with a photograph. A brief profile about your child’s interest will be great too!
Please send the contributions to . You may also send in your questions to the email address.
I look forward to your child contributing to Clixoo
Narasimhan Santhanam
Cofounder & & Clixoo