Air conditioners are one of the biggest energy guzzlers overall, and by far the biggest energy guzzlers for the residential and commercial/office building sectors. How would it be if an ingenious plug and play device could save up to 30% – some times even 40% – of electricity consumption by your ACs?
That could mean a SUBSTANTIAL saving on your electricity bill every month. Let me take you through an interesting solution that was demonstrated to us – ASSET from Analog Nanotech, Chennai. More than demonstration, the company set up the equipment at our office in a few short minutes, and after a month, we can see that it works perfectly as promised.
What is really cool about ASSET is that it is a simple plug and play solution that can be retrofitted to any AC of any size. Takes less than half an hour to fix and you are on your way.
What also impressed us is that this technology was fully developed by an Indian. The idea, the actual IP, the design and the whole package – are Indian.
Net Zero by Narsi
Insights and interactions on climate action by Narasimhan Santhanam, Director - EAI
View full playlistDeveloped by a bright engineer, this innovative and stable solution has undergone several improvements over a period of 10 years of R&D.
Firstly, the elevator pitch.
Who is this solution for?
- For anyone who uses Air Conditioners, but specifically for office, commercial and industrial establishments running a good number of ACs
Also Read : Enjoy the Benefit of Inverter AC without Buying One!
What are the key benefits?
- Through a simple but ingenious mechanism, the solution can ensure your AC uses much less electricity without compromising your comfort.
- The other key benefit is that this solution also quickly and clearly identifies any problems with your AC operations – gas leakage, electrical short circuits, compressor problems – and thus enables timely repair and smooth running of the machine. You no longer need to wonder why your AC is not working as well as it should be.
- Thus, ASSET provides two key benefits – significantly reduced power bills, and ensuring safety and longevity of your AC.
Interested in knowing more about how ASSET can
cut down your AC power costs?
Send a note to or call Senthil 8056028482
How is ASSET better than the alternatives?
- While there are inverter ACs that can provide similar energy savings, ASSET costs less than 50% of the cost an inverter AC.
- ASSET can be retrofitted to an existing AC, while an inverter AC is a new machine you have to purchase
- There is no solution anywhere in the market that is able to intelligently specify and notify specific problems with your AC.
And now on to a more detailed run through the solution.
ENERGY SAVING IN AC – An Innovative solution by Analog Nanotech
Saving energy today – is a far better approach to energy security, than generating new energy for tomorrow. This is why Energy Efficiency is one of the most critical clean tech domains. But unfortunately, it is also the one easily overlooked upon. This is because there is a stigma prevalent that people have to sacrifice their comfort levels in order to save energy. What if we say no? What if there is a product that doesn’t demand any sacrifice in your comforts and still save energy and also assure safety? Isn’t it what we all want? Here is an innovative product which does this. Recently, we at EAI had the opportunity to be at the demonstration of Analog Nanotech’s innovative product – ASSET GRAND – A watchdog for ACs which guarantees safety along with solid savings.
Also Read : How to prevent AC Fire Accidents?
What is ASSET?
ASSET is a smart meter that can be fixed along with any type of Air Conditioners as an external unit – which will help in huge energy savings. It also will monitor the AC’s performance to identify any faults that are present and that can occur in the near future. It is a simple device that has a neat display which shows the above characteristics of AC in simple language. You don’t have to make any alterations to your existing AC setup. The system is completely external. Hence not to worry about forfeiting the warranty period. Analog Electronics, has helped numerous industries to streamline and monitor the Air Conditioners, ensuring not only huge saving but also made ACs simple and easier to operate. The Indian Railways and several banks have benefited by installing ASSET monitoring system.
Need for a product such as ASSET
Air conditioners are the most energy consuming electrical equipment in any application – be it residential or commercial. Almost 70-80% of energy consumption comes from ACs in any commercial or residential building. Hence no doubt – energy saving should start from ACs. The founders of Analog Nanotech – Mr.AyyaDurai, Mr.Srinivasan and Mr.Senthil Kumar – felt the need to develop this type of product after encountering many instances where some serious accidents had to occur because of improper monitoring of the AC’s performance. Mr.AyyaDurai – who is the brains behind ASSET’s technology developed this unique energy saving cum safety monitoring product, drawing from his experience of working in the electrical maintenance department of large companies such as Ashok Leyland.
Who is it for?
ASSET AC monitoring system is ideal for large Industrial and commercial complexes that have heavy energy usage for ACs. But technically, it is for anybody who uses an AC.
- Majority of the Air-conditioning systems are designed to keep the compressor ON, until it reaches one degree below (-1) the SET temperature and then resumes again once it goes above one degree (+1) .
- In every system, Compressors are designed to run at its full capacity irrespective of the room’s temperature. Initially this is fine, but lot of energy is wasted even after the space is partially cooled.
Analog Nanotech’s ASSET monitoring device will intelligently monitor the Thermal Saturation point of the room and reduce the unnecessary running of compressor when not required, thus saving a lot of energy. This is done by fuzzy logic microcontroller based embedded technology.
What are the key benefits of using Asset?
Although the primary benefit of ASSET solutions is energy saving, there are numerous other safety benefits, which otherwise are generally ignored unnoticed. ASSET solutions detects and diagnosis defects such as
- Gas Leak
- High & low voltage
- Electrical short circuits
- Malfunctioning – COMPRESSOR/ CAPACITOR
- External condenser fan gets stuck / malfunctions
- Dust accumulation of the external condenser unit
- Overall, it prevents damage to your AC equipment and more importantly, avoids major fire mishaps.
Who all have benefited from this innovative solution?
ANALOG’s unique Solutions for ATMs are successfully Tried, Tested, Certified and Implemented by leading banks – BOTH Private and Nationalized.
- More than 3850 ATM installations (Pan –INDIA).Testimonials from FOURTEEN “Nationalized” , SIX “Private” BANKS, all major ATM manufacturers & ISPs
- Apart from ATMs, ASSET products have found their way into major industrial and commercial sectors – They have a huge installation base of Individual Units (for Window & Split) covering various industries and verticals across India.
- Analog ASSET AC monitoring device has been installed with the Air Conditioner in Energy Alternatives India Office, Chennai.
Testimonials for Energy Saver ASSET: