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Low Carbon Materials - Net Zero by Narsi - India Decarbonization, Climate Action Insight
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Buildings are responsible for 35% CO2 emissions

April 3, 2024

Energy Efficiency, Financial Investors, Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi, Startups & Entrepreneurs
Buildings are massive consumers of energy. In the US, they consume almost 75% of all electricity and are responsible for 35% of the country's CO2...

Emerging opportunities in green chemicals for startups & entrepreneurs

January 3, 2024

CO3, Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi, Startups & Entrepreneurs
Welcoming Sivaram Pillai of Proklean to the CLIMAFIX SUMMIT 2022, Nov 25 & 26, Chennai - Globally, the chemicals industry is a sizable contributor...

Will material sciences have a dominant role to play in EV industry?

January 20, 2021

CO3, E-mobility, Electric trucks and heavy vehicles, Electric Vehicles, Electric Vehicles, Financial Investors, Low Carbon Materials, Low Carbon Mobility, Net Zero by Narsi, Researchers, Startups & Entrepreneurs
  This is a part of the EV Innovation Intelligence series Until recently, conventional vehicles were dominated mainly by mechanical engineering and petroleum engineering. The former...

Are durable bioplastics the real growth story for the bioplastics sector?

February 6, 2017

Bioplastics, CO3, Compressed Biogas - CBG, Corporate Leaders, Emerging Cleantech Areas, Financial Investors, Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi, Researchers, Startups & Entrepreneurs
Introduction The motivational driver to the innovation of bioplastics technology was to tackle our addiction to the disposable-everything habit. The disposable-everything eased our lives, but...

Biodegradable sanitary napkins from Aakar Innovations: Solving the problems around women menstruation in an environment-friendly way

January 20, 2017

Bioplastics, Government Officials, Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi, Researchers, Startups & Entrepreneurs, Waste Management
Over the last century, our society has become heavily and widely reliant on disposable plastics, which has now become a severe environmental threat globally. Sanitary...

Green Building Materials – A Diverse Set of Emerging Business Opportunities

February 2, 2014

CO3, Corporate Leaders, Energy Efficiency, Government Officials, Green Buildings, Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi, Startups & Entrepreneurs
A zero energy building from BEDZED - Beddington Zero Energy Development   Can you believe that green building materials could be a 10 lac crore...

Green and Eco Chemicals – A $100+ Billion Dollar Opportunity?

February 1, 2014

CO3, Corporate Leaders, Financial Investors, Innovations, Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi, Startups & Entrepreneurs
  Here's a sector that should make entrepreneurs drool. A sector that rarely gets highlighted in the press. To a large extent, visible only to...

Biopolymers and Bioplastics – A Disruptive Business Opportunity in India and Worldwide?

January 29, 2014

Bioplastics, CO3, Corporate Sustainability, Financial Investors, Low Carbon Materials, Pollution, Startups & Entrepreneurs, Waste Management
I have been watching the bioplastics and biopolymers market with great interest last few years. And I am sure I am not alone. Plastics has...

Castor oil – oil that could be big part of future

November 23, 2013

Biofuels, CO3, Government Officials, Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi, Researchers, Startups & Entrepreneurs
If I told you I am gonna talk a fascinating oil, the last oil you would think of would be castor oil. But that is...

Green Buildings in India – A Fast Growing Phenomenon

December 6, 2009

Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi, Startups & Entrepreneurs
The green building concept is swiftly catching up in the country partly because of government sops and partly because of the marketing strategy of real...

Regulations Alone not Sufficient for Green Buildings in India

November 13, 2009

Corporate Leaders, Energy Efficiency, Government Officials, Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi
Highlighting the role of green buildings in reducing energy consumption as well as awareness among architects, Ajay Mathur, director general of Bureau of Energy Efficiency,...

GreenValue Makes Polyphenols from Biomass in India

October 31, 2009

Low Carbon Materials, Net Zero by Narsi, Researchers, Startups & Entrepreneurs
Polyphenols from paper and pulp processing could offer nutraceutical benefits for humans and are already making a dent in the ag sector.About two million people...

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