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Distributed Solar PV

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Loom Solar

Manufactures solar panels and lithium ion batteries.

Distributed Solar PV



Rooftop solar and IoT based energy solutions

Distributed Solar PV

Sub Topics

  • User segments

    • Residential rooftop solar

    • Commercial & industrial rooftop solar

    • Rooftop solar for government and public buildings 

    • Rooftop solar for schools & colleges

  • Technologies

    • Solar shingles & tiles

    • BIPV

    • Elevated rooftop solar

  • Inverters

    • String inverters

    • Micro-inverters

  • Monitoring systems

  • Mounting structures and solutions

  • Storage for rooftop solar

    • Integration with smart grid



  • Rooftop solar & EV charging

  • Rooftop solar PV with solar water heaters

  • Opex/lease models for rooftop solar

  • Virtual rooftop solar power plants

  • Rooftop solar + small wind

  • Operations & maintenance

    • Use of IT & digital solutions

  • Training & capacity building

  • National & regional policies

    • Net metering

  • Cost of rooftop solar power

  • Rooftop solar trends in:

    • North America

    • South America

    • Europe

    • Middle East & Africa

    • Australia

    • Asia


Renewable Energy

Energy Efficiency

Energy Storage

Agriculture & Food

Waste Management



Decarbonizing Industries

Low Carbon Mobility

GHG Management
