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Low Carbon Cities

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Battery Smart

EV battery swapping network and battery management solutions

Low Carbon Cities



Battery swapping solutions for EV fleets

Low Carbon Cities


Taqanal Energy

Cloud connected modular battery ecosystem

Low Carbon Cities



High-end urban electric bike

Low Carbon Cities

Sub Topics

  • Low carbon transport

    • Mass transit

    • Electric mobility

    • Last mile

    • Transport infrastructure

  • Low carbon buildings

    • Residential buildings

    • Commercial buildings

    • Industrial buildings

  • Low carbon industries

    • Industrial estates

  • Low carbon power

    • Thermal power

    • Renewable energy

    • Distributed energy

  • Low carbon lifestyle enablers

    • Awareness creation

    • Low carbon communities

    • Contests and competitions

  • Low carbon infrastructure

    • Roads

    • Parks

    • For walking & bicycling

  • Water

    • Wastewater

    • Storm water

    • Rainwater harvesting

    • Lakes & ponds

  • Waste management

    • MSW management

    • Commercial & industrial waste management

    • E-waste management

  • Biodiversity

    • Parks

    • Other biodiversity hotspots









  • Low carbon capacity building

    • For government employees

    • For home makers

    • For small businesses

  • Collaboration

    • Regional

    • National

    • International

    • Corporate - municipality collaborations

    • Corporate - citizen collaborations

    • Citizen - municipality collaborations

    • Municipality- academia collaborations

  • Use of IT & digital tools

    • Cloud & online platforms

    • AI/Big Data/ML

    • Analytics

    • Digital twins

  • Policies

    • Targets

    • Mandates

    • Incentives

  • Accelerators

    • Contests & competitions

  • Financing

    • Public finance

    • Multilateral finance

  • Regional trends

    • North America

    • South America

    • Europe

    • Asia

    • Middle East & Africa

    • Oceania











Renewable Energy

Energy Efficiency

Energy Storage

Agriculture & Food

Waste Management



Decarbonizing Industries

Low Carbon Mobility

GHG Management
