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Decarbonizing Oil & Gas Sector

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Decarbonizing Oil & Gas Sector

Sub Topics

  • Types of emissions 

    • Direct emissions from operations

    • Indirect emissions from operations

  • Upstream

    • Extraction & drilling

    • Flaring

    • Fugitive emissions & venting

  • Midstream

    • Crude transport

  • Downstream

    • Refinery heat & power operations

    • Hydrogen production

    • Fugitive CH4 emissions

  • Decarbonization through energy efficiency

  • Decarbonization through electrification

  • Flaring

    • Minimization

    • Elimination

    • Targets



  • Leak detection & repair

    • At production / drilling sites

    • In distribution

    • At refineries

  • Low carbon fuels

    • Change of heating fuels

    • Green hydrogen

  • Geographical trends & case studies

    • North America

    • South America

    • Europe

    • Asia

    • Middle East & Africa

    • Oceania

  • Policies & mandates

    • Corporate targets

    • Government & industry mandates

  • Financing for decarbonization






Renewable Energy

Energy Efficiency

Energy Storage

Agriculture & Food

Waste Management



Decarbonizing Industries

Low Carbon Mobility

GHG Management
