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Water Use Efficiency

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Cranberry Analytics

Measuring water through its entire distribution and consumption cyc...

Water Use Efficiency


Digital Paani

Digital tech using IoT and customized sensors to enhance and optimi...

Water Use Efficiency



AI & IoT-based water management solution for industries

Water Use Efficiency


Indra Water

Economical, compact & smart water treatment systems for decentr...

Water Use Efficiency


Kritsnam Technologies

Digital water resources management.

Water Use Efficiency


Maithri Aquatech

Clear water technology which captures water present in the air.

Water Use Efficiency



Smart water meter solution for urban infrastructure

Water Use Efficiency


Uravu Labs

Renewable water extracted from air

Water Use Efficiency



Smart water meter for residential and commercial buildings

Water Use Efficiency

Sub Topics

  • Place of use

    • In industries

      • Power plants

        • Cooling towers

      • Process industries

      • Food & beverages

    • In commercial establishments

    • In agriculture

    • Large farms

    • Small holder farms

      • In developed nations

      • In developing nations

      • In underdeveloped nations

    • In residences

      • Individual homes

      • Apartments

      • Urban homes

      • Rural homes

  • Avenues for water efficiency

    • Use of IT & digital solutions

    • Awareness creation

    • Policies & incentives

      • Optimal pricing of water

    • Recycling

      • Recycling of grey water in residential & commercial sectors

      • Recycling of sewage water in residential & commercial sectors

    • Conservation

      • Water conservation through intelligent monitoring & analytics

      • Water saving plumbing design

      • Education for residential water management

  • Strengthening institutions, property rights and policies for sustainable water management

  • Water infrastructure components

    • Pumping

    • Piping

    • Storage



  • Ground water

    • Groundwater storage

    • Groundwater recharge

    • Groundwater monitoring for quality and quantity

  • Rainwater & stormwater

    • Rainwater harvesting

    • Sustainable stormwater management

  • Surface water

    • Stream restoration for groundwater management

    • Sustainable management of rivers, lakes and ponds

      • Pollution management in urban water bodies

  • Distribution

    • Efficient water distribution infrastructure

    • Decentralised water supply systems

    • Centralised water supply systems

  • Urban water management

    • Industrial water management in urban areas

    • Data driven urban water management

    • Urban wastewater treatment

  • Water for agriculture

    • Micro irrigation, including drip irrigation

    • Rainfed irrigation

    • Deficit or supplementary irrigation

    • Preventing evaporation

    • Recycling irrigation water

    • Water storage for irrigation

    • Sustainable water use through precision farming methods

    • Use of solar water pumps

    • Training and capacity building for sustainable water use

    • Policies for water use in agriculture







Renewable Energy

Energy Efficiency

Energy Storage

Agriculture & Food

Waste Management



Decarbonizing Industries

Low Carbon Mobility

GHG Management
