India Solar, Wind, Biomass, Biofuels – EAI

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The Current Scenario of Developments in Renewable Energy in India
The contents of this report includes
•    Potential and achievements in renewable energy in India.
•    Current status of renewable energy in India.
•    Installed capacity of renewable energy in India

Oil Shale Occurences in Upper Assam Basin, India
This report deals with hydrocarbon resource base and its exploration status in India. It explains the continuous expanding energy market in India.  As far as the Oil shale scenario this report lists out the following
•    Occurrence and reserves of oil shale in India
•    Exploration status of oil shale in India.

India’s Fossil Fuel Energy Scenario and Carbon management
The report focuses on India's coal and hydrocarbon resources, reserves & production. The report provides details on
•    Carbon dioxide emissions in  India as well as in global level
•    Coal bed methane potential of India and a
•    Comparison between basalts of  Deccan vs Columbia river.

Hydrogen Energy Economy in India
This presentation speaks about the challenge of global decarbonization. It gives a picture of  energy situation in India. The report deals with
•    Potential of hydrogen energy in India
•    Hydrogen energy economy in India.

Renewable Energy Scenario in India
This report talks about the primary commercial energy in India.
The report provides information on following topics:
•    Fossil fuel reserves of India
•    Comparison of solar thermal power generation technologies
•    Characteristics of renewables.

Ocean Energy Scenario in India
This presentation deals with tidal energy in India.
The report speaks about:
•    Wave energy plants in India
•    Wave energy programs in India
•    Technical facts to be taken care of while using ocean energy.

Presentation on Indian Power Sector, GHG Reduction Strategy
The report discusses the Indian power sceneario. The report deals with the following topics:
•    Non-conventional energy plants 
•    Average emissions from power sector
•    Status of clean development mechanism projects (cdm) in India
•    Government’s strategy/initiative for GHG reduction

Renewable Energy in India
The report deals with the following sections(and more)
•    Energy consumption trends
•    Energy demand projections
•    Electricity demand projections
•    Commercial energy imports

Energy 4 Ever – Case For Renewable Energy In India
This report deals various factors of energy scenario in India like:
•    Total installed capacity
•    Alternate fuel options
•    Importance of stand alone RE systems
•    Target for 11th five year plan(2007 – 2012)

Indian Power Sector - An Overview of Renewable Energy Sector
This is a comprehensive report with information on
•    Indian Renewable Energy Scenario
•    Regulatory Framework
•    Policy Initiatives by GoI
•    Services by IL&FS
•    IL&FS Competitive Advantage
•    IL&FS Experience in Renewable Energy
•    Case study – Timarpur-Okhla WtE Project

Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) Indian Experiences
This report contains critical informations on:
•    Solar Photo Voltaic systems
•    Energy scenario in India
•    RET’sProgress in INDIA
•    SPV Systems in Operation
•    Installation of Solar Home light systems

Importance of UCG in India’s Energy Strategy

This file consists of useful data under the following sections:
•    Energy Use Efficiency Per GDP
•    Energy Requirements
•    India’s Hydro Carbon Reserves
•    Potential Available from Nuclear Energy

Lessons learnt from Solar PV pumping in India
This presentation contains excellent information on renewable scenario in India under the following topics:
•    About IT Power India
•    Power Scenario in India
•    Renewable Energy Development
•    Solar Energy Programmes
•    Solar PV Water Pumping Programme
•    Issues & Barriers

Financing Renewables Energy Projects in India
This presentation provides valuable information on Indian renewable energy scenario. The topic discussed under this presentation are:
•    Power Scenario in India
•    Development of Renewable Energy in India – Institutional Building
•    About IREDA
•    IREDA’s Experience in Renewable Energy Financing

India Renewable Energy Trends
This discussion paper gives essential information on Indian renewable energy trends under the following topics
•    Energy overview
•    Current emission scenario
•    Climate change scenario in India
•    Renewable energy trends in India

India’s Energy Security
This briefing paper has discussed about the following factors regarding the energy security status in India:
•    The challenge of unmet energy demands
•    Trends in energy demand and supply
•    Future energy needs
•    Policy Initiatives in India

Promotion Of Renewable Energy And Energy Efficiency
The above paper discusses the need for renewable energy development in India. The topics discussed in this paper are:
•    Energy scenario in India
•    Per capita energy consumption in India
•    Need to develop renewable sources of India

Bottom up approaches for India

This presentation from TERI deals with the following aspects:
•    India in the global energy scenario
•    Energy supply demand scenario
•    GHG emissions
•    GHG Mitigation Options
•    International policy support

Making solar thermal power generation in India a reality – Overview of technologies, opportunities and challenges
The title of this paper gives a clear picture of the content. The issues discussed in this paper are:
•    Solar energy potential
•    Solar thermal power generation technologies
•    Solar thermal power generation program of India
•    Opportunities for solar thermal power generation in India